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State Street EUR Government Liquidity Fund Institutional Shares IE00BFMXLV98

Trans NAV

Trans NAV

This amount is the net asset value per share ("NAV") of the Fund caluclated using amortized cost. The Fund transacts (trades) using this price.

as of 25 Oct 2024
Net Assets(€MM)
as of 25 Oct 2024


WAM (Weighted Average Maturity) is a measure of a fund's sensitivity to interest rate movements utilizing the interest-rate reset date and not a security's stated final maturity.



WAL (Weighted Average Life) is a measure of a fund's sensitivity to credit spreads or liquidity conditions utilizing a security's stated final maturity date or the date of the next demand feature. WAL does not reflect changes in the interest rate reset date.

as of 25 Oct 2024
Daily Factor

Daily Factor

A decimal representing the portion of an annual yield earned in one day.

as of 25 Oct 2024
as of 25 Oct 2024

Fund Objective

The objective of the Fund is to maintain a high level of liquidity, preserve capital and provide a return in line with Euro Government money market rates

Fund Information as of 25 Oct 2024

Currency EUR
Benchmark Bloomberg Xestron Index
Investment Manager State Street Global Advisors Europe Limited
Structure OEIC - UCITS
Domicile Ireland
Regulator CBI
Share Class Inception Date 22 Jan 2024
Fund Inception Date 22 Jan 2024
Fitch Fund Rating* AAAmmf
Dealing Frequency Daily
Total Expense Ratio 0.15%
Min. initial investment €100,000,000
Trading Deadline DD 10:30AM Irish time
Settlement T+0
IMMFA Member

SSGA is a member of the Institutional Money Market Funds Association (IMMFA), the trade association for AAA-rated European money market funds.


Historical Daily Market NAV

"Shadow Pricing" of the Fund is designed to show the extent of deviation, if any, of the net asset value ("NAV") of the Fund using the amortized cost method of valuation in which, during the calculating the Fund's NAV, portfolio securities are valued at the fund's acquisition cost, as adjusted for amortization of premium or accretion of discount, intended to create a "stable NAV", in comparison to portfolio securities being valued based on available market quotations or current market factors, creating a likely "floating NAV". This calculation is required to be performed at least daily and is subject to the review of the Fund's Board of Trustees. An investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by any Government agency. None of the State Street Corporation, State Street Bank and Trust Company, State Street Global Advisors or their affiliates ("State Street Entities") guarantee the value of your investment. Investors should have no expectation of capital support to the Fund from State Street Entities. Although the Fund seeks to preserve the value of an investment, it is possible to lose money by investing in the Fund.


Current Net Yield

Subsidized Yields Unsubsidized Yields
Date Net Assets(€MM) Daily Factors

Daily Factor

A decimal representing the portion of an annual yield earned in one day.

1 Day 7 Day 30 Day 1 Day 7 Day 30 Day
25 Oct 2024 €168.08 0.000252879 3.08% 3.19% 3.27% 3.08% 3.19% 3.27%

Source: State Street Global Services - 25 October 2024

A yield of zero may indicate a fee waiver by the investment manager.

Historical Net Yield

< 2024 >
Jan Feb Mar Apr
May Jun Jul Aug
Sep Oct Nov Dec
Subsidized Yields Unsubsidized Yields
Date Net Assets(€MM) Daily Factors

Daily Factor

A decimal representing the portion of an annual yield earned in one day.

1 Day 7 Day 30 Day 1 Day 7 Day 30 Day
25 Oct 2024 €168.08 0.000252879 3.08% 3.19% 3.27% 3.08% 3.19% 3.27%
24 Oct 2024 €168.21 0.000084275 3.08% 3.22% 3.27% 3.08% 3.22% 3.27%
23 Oct 2024 €168.09 0.000084837 3.10% 3.25% 3.28% 3.10% 3.25% 3.28%
22 Oct 2024 €168.19 0.000089678 3.27% 3.27% 3.29% 3.27% 3.27% 3.29%
21 Oct 2024 €167.94 0.000089686 3.27% 3.27% 3.29% 3.27% 3.27% 3.29%
18 Oct 2024 €168.01 0.000269022 3.27% 3.28% 3.29% 3.27% 3.28% 3.29%
17 Oct 2024 €168.11 0.000089668 3.27% 3.28% 3.29% 3.27% 3.28% 3.29%
16 Oct 2024 €168.10 0.000089662 3.27% 3.28% 3.30% 3.27% 3.28% 3.30%
15 Oct 2024 €168.24 0.000089954 3.28% 3.28% 3.31% 3.28% 3.28% 3.31%
14 Oct 2024 €168.04 0.000089914 3.28% 3.28% 3.32% 3.28% 3.28% 3.32%
11 Oct 2024 €168.12 0.000269712 3.28% 3.29% 3.34% 3.28% 3.29% 3.34%
10 Oct 2024 €168.22 0.000089902 3.28% 3.29% 3.34% 3.28% 3.29% 3.34%
09 Oct 2024 €168.11 0.000089877 3.28% 3.29% 3.35% 3.28% 3.29% 3.35%
08 Oct 2024 €168.22 0.000090271 3.29% 3.29% 3.36% 3.29% 3.29% 3.36%
07 Oct 2024 €168.00 0.000090267 3.29% 3.29% 3.37% 3.29% 3.29% 3.37%
04 Oct 2024 €168.08 0.000270714 3.29% 3.30% 3.39% 3.29% 3.30% 3.39%
03 Oct 2024 €168.22 0.000090243 3.29% 3.30% 3.39% 3.29% 3.30% 3.39%
02 Oct 2024 €167.83 0.000090236 3.29% 3.30% 3.40% 3.29% 3.30% 3.40%
01 Oct 2024 €167.83 0.000090232 3.29% 3.30% 3.41% 3.29% 3.30% 3.41%

No data available.

Download: Yields

Source: State Street Global Services - 25 October 2024

All returns are net of fee.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, so you may have a gain or loss when shares are sold. Current performance may be higher or lower than that quoted.

Average Annual Total Returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends, capital gains distributions all fee waivers and expense reimbursements.

Data is of the date indicated, is subject to change, and should not be relied upon as current thereafter.

Unless otherwise noted all information contained herein is that of the State Street EUR Government Liquidity Fund.

Liquid Assets

Daily Liquid Assets are defined as cash, direct obligations of the Government, securities that will mature (or are subject to a demand feature that is exercisable and payable) within one business day, or proceeds of pending sales of portfolio securities due within one business day.

Weekly Liquid Assets are defined as cash, direct obligations of the Government, certain securities issued by entities acting as an instrumentality of (and controlled or supervised by) the Government. Securities that will mature (or are subject to a demand feature that is exercisable and payable) within five business days, or proceeds of pending sales of portfolio securities due within five business days.

Net Inflows/Outflows

The Daily Net Inflows/Outflows chart is designed to show the variability of the Fund's daily cash flows. The net inflows or outflows of the Fund are calculated by taking the daily total new Fund share purchases (including exchanges made into the Fund) and subtracting the daily total Fund share redemptions (including exchanges made out of the Fund). The existence of any daily inflows or outflows will not necessarily have a direct or indirect correlation to the Fund's investment performance.

The Monthly Net Inflows/Outflows chart is designed to show the variability of the Fund's monthly cash flows. The net inflows or outflows of the Fund are calculated by taking the monthly total new Fund share purchases (including exchanges made into the Fund) and subtracting the monthly total Fund share redemptions (including exchanges made out of the Fund). The existence of any monthly inflows or outflows will not necessarily have a direct or indirect correlation to the Fund's investment performance.

Maturity Distributions as of 30 Sep 2024

8 - 30 Days
31 - 90 Days

Source: SSGA Ltd - Legal Maturity, 30 September 2024

Rounding differences may occur as asset values are calculated to greater than one decimal place.

Fund Sector Allocation as of 30 Sep 2024

Sector Weight
Repurchase Agreement 63.38%
Government Bill 27.97%
Cash 8.65%

Source: SSGA Ltd, 30 September 2024

Credit Quality Distribution as of 30 Sep 2024

Sector Weight
A-1 55.60%
A-1+ 44.40%

Source: SSGA Ltd, 30 September 2024

Short-term ratings from S&P are used. If no short-term rating is available, the lower long-term rating is used. S&P deems the investments rated 'A-1' maturing in 7 days or less equivalent to 'A-1+'. This document reflects actual issue ratings.

Minimum Investment

Min. initial investment €100,000,000
Subsequent €5,000

Payment Details

Currency EUR
Beneficiary Bank Bank of America N.A., Frankfurt
Beneficiary Account Name State Street Global Advisors Liquidity plc.
Beneficiary BIC BOFADEFX
Beneficiary Account Number 19923018
CHAPS Sort Code -
IBAN DE14500109000019923018

Dealing Procedures

Deals may be placed by telephone, by fax or online through a portal. If dealing by fax, please ensure the appropriate dealing form is used for the share class.

Dealing Team

To place a trade call +353 1 853 8281 or send fax to +353 1 523 3704.

Stock Transfers

If you wish to carry out a stock transfer between any of your accounts, please contact us online or call +44 (0)20 3395 2333 for the procedure outlining the required original documentation.


For all queries relating to trade instructions, distributions, contract notes, statements and payments contact us online or call +44 (0)20 3395 2333.

Payment Instructions

Please ensure monies are transferred by CHAPS, SWIFT or Federal Wire transfer to the appropriate account on settlement date before the cut-off times specified. Redemption proceeds will be paid to the respective currency account as per instructions on the account opening form, unless advised otherwise in writing by an authorised signatory.

Trading Deadline DD 10:30AM Irish time
Subscription Settlement Cut-Off MT202 (pre-advised): EUR 3.30pm Irish Time
MT103 (pre-advised): EUR 3.30pm Irish Time
Redemption Receipt Settlement MT202 (pre-advised): EUR 3.30pm Irish Time
MT103 (pre-advised): EUR 3.30pm Irish Time

All returns are net of fee.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, so you may have a gain or loss when shares are sold. Current performance may be higher or lower than that quoted.

Average Annual Total Returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends, capital gains distributions all fee waivers and expense reimbursements.

Data is of the date indicated, is subject to change, and should not be relied upon as current thereafter.

Unless otherwise noted all information contained herein is that of the State Street EUR Government Liquidity Fund.