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A Customized Climate Bond Strategy Addressing Climate Integration Needs

ESG is dynamic and fast moving. As investors and asset owners seek to integrate ESG criteria into their existing portfolios, they are collaborating with asset management firms such as State Street Global Advisors to facilitate efficient allocation and put ESG into motion thoughtfully, with various risk and return parameters considered. New technology and big data are creating tremendous opportunities for investors while also disrupting conventional approaches to portfolio management.

Senior ESG Strategist


Investors are increasingly seeking investment strategies which have the dual aim to a) minimize tracking error against a strategic benchmark while also b) striving to promote decarbonization in the real world and facilitate the low-carbon transition.

In this example, we received a request from a pension client to integrate ESG into its global corporate bond portfolio. The client wished to continue tracking a bespoke (non-ESG) benchmark and therefore aimed to integrate their ESG objectives within the portfolio construction process. Key criteria for the client were delivering on their defined ESG objectives while tightly controlling risks.

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