Marketing Communication
State Street Global Advisors Global Entities
Important Risk Information
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The information provided does not constitute investment advice and it should not be relied on as such. It should not be considered a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell a security. It does not take into account any investor’s particular investment objectives, strategies, tax status or investment horizon. You should consult your tax and financial advisor.
All information is from SSGA unless otherwise noted and has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy is not guaranteed. There is no representation or warranty as to the current accuracy, reliability or completeness of, nor liability for, decisions based on such information and it should not be relied on as such.
The views expressed in this material are the views of State Street Global Advisors through the period ended January 15, 2025 and are subject to change based on market and other conditions. This document contains certain statements that may be deemed to be forward-looking statements.
All statements, otherthan historical facts, contained within thisarticle that address activities, events ordevelopments that SSGA expects,believes or anticipates will or may occurin the future are forward-lookingstatements. These statements are basedon certain assumptions and analysesmade by SSGA in light of its experienceand perception of historical trends,current conditions, expected futuredevelopments and other factors itbelieves are appropriate in thecircumstances, many of which aredetailed herein. Such statements aresubject to a number of assumptions,risks, uncertainties, many of which arebeyond SSGA’s control.
Readers are cautioned that any suchstatements are not guarantees of anyfuture performance and that actualresults or developments may differmaterially from those projected in theforward-looking statements.
The information contained in thiscommunication is not a researchrecommendation or investmentresearch’ and is classified as a‘Marketing Communication’ inaccordance with the applicableregional regulation. This means thatthis marketing communication (a) hasnot been prepared in accordance withlegal requirements designed topromote the independence ofinvestment research (b) is not subjectto any prohibition on dealing ahead ofthe dissemination of investmentresearch.
This communication is directed atprofessional dients (this includes eligiblecounterparties as defined by theappropriate EU regulator) who aredeemed both knowledgeable andexperienced in matters relating toinvestments. The products and servicesto which this communication relates areonly available to such persons andpersons of any other description(including retail clients) should not rely onthis communication.
The returns on a portfolio of securitieswhich exclude companies that do notmeet the portfolios sustainable strategycriteria may trail the returns on a portfolioof securities which include suchcompanies. A portfolios sustainablestrategy criteria may result in the portfolioinvesting in industry sectors or securitieswhich underperform the market as a whole.
This document provides summaryinformation regarding the Strategy.This document should be read inconjunction with the Strategy’sDisclosure Document, which isavailable from SSGA. The StrategyDisclosure Document containsimportant information about theStrategy, including a description of anumber of risks.
Investing involves risk including the risk ofloss of principal.
Equity securities may fluctuate in value inresponse to the activities of individualcompanies and general market andeconomic conditions.
Bonds generally present less short-termrisk and volatility than stocks, but containinterest rate risk (as interest rates raise,bond prices usually fall); issuer defaultrisk; issuer credit risk; liquidity risk; andinflation risk. These effects are usuallypronounced for longer-term securities.
Any fixed income security sold orredeemed prior to maturity may besubject to a substantial gain or loss.Investing in high yield fixed incomesecurities, otherwise known as “junkbonds”, is considered speculative andinvolves greater risk of loss of principaland interest than investing in investmentgrade fixed income securities. Theselower-quality debt securities involvegreater risk of default or price changesdue to potential changes in the creditquality of the issuer.
There are risks associated with investingin Real Assets and the Real Assets sector,including real estate, precious metals andnatural resources. Investments can besignificantly affected by events relating tothese industries.
Commodities investing entail significantrisk as commodity prices can beextremely volatile due to wide range offactors. A few such factors include overallmarket movements, real or perceivedinflationary trends, commodity indexvolatility, international, economic andpolitical changes, change in interest andcurrency exchange rates.
Investing in foreign domiciled securitiesmay involve risk of capital loss fromunfavorable fluctuation in currencyvalues, withholding taxes, fromdifferences in generally acceptedaccounting principles or from economicor political instability in other nations.Investments in emerging or developingmarkets may be more volatile and lessliquid than investing in developedmarkets and may involve exposure toeconomic structures that are generallyless diverse and mature and to politicalsystems which have less stability thanthose of more developed countries.Diversification does not ensure a profit orguarantee against loss.
Asset Allocation is a method ofdiversification which positions assetsamong major investment categories.Asset Allocation may be used in an effortto manage risk and enhance returns. Itdoes not, however, guarantee a profit orprotect against loss.
State Street Global Advisors
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Exp. Date 01/31/2026