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SPDR® Dow Jones® Industrial Average℠ ETF Trust DIA

Im Allgemeinen kann man davon ausgehen, dass ETFs in ihrem Wert mit dem Wert des anzuwendenden Index steigen oder fallen. Obwohl ETF-Anteile an der Börse über jedes Brokerkonto ge- und verkauft werden können, können sie nicht einzeln vom Fonds zurückgekauft werden. Anleger können ETFs erwerben und diese dem Fonds zur Rücknahme einreichen, diese werden jedoch nur in Creation Unit Aggregations (Blöcke von Anteilen) eingelöst. Weitere Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie bitte dem Prospekt.

Equity securities may fluctuate in value and can decline significantly in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions.

Passively managed funds invest by sampling the index, holding a range of securities that, in the aggregate, approximates the full Index in terms of key risk factors and other characteristics. This may cause the fund to experience tracking errors relative to performance of the index.

While the shares of ETFs are tradable on secondary markets, they may not readily trade in all market conditions and may trade at significant discounts in periods of market stress.

ETFs werden wie Aktien gehandelt und unterliegen dem Anlagerisiko. Ihr Marktwert fluktuiert und die Kurse können über oder unter dem Nettoinventarwert der ETFs notieren. Maklerkommissionen und ETF-Gebühren beeinträchtigen die Rendite.

Intellectual Property Information: The S&P 500® Index is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC or its affiliates (“S&P DJI”) and have been licensed for use by State Street Global Advisors.  S&P®, SPDR®, S&P 500®,US 500 and the 500 are trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“S&P”); Dow Jones® is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow Jones”) and has been licensed for use by S&P Dow Jones Indices; and these trademarks have been licensed for use by S&P DJI and sublicensed for certain purposes by State Street Global Advisors. The fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by S&P DJI, Dow Jones, S&P, their respective affiliates, and none of such parties make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such product(s) nor do they have any liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions of these indices.

The Fund's investments are subject to changes in general economic conditions, general market fluctuations and the risks inherent in investment in securities markets. Investment markets can be volatile and prices of investments can change substantially due to various factors including, but not limited to, economic growth or recession, changes in interest rates, changes in the actual or perceived creditworthiness of issuers, and general market liquidity. The Fund is subject to the risk that geopolitical events will disrupt securities markets and adversely affect global economies and markets. Local, regional or global events such as war, acts of terrorism, the spread of infectious illness or other public health issues, or other events could have a significant impact on the Fund and its investments.

Before investing, consider the funds' investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. To obtain a prospectus which contains this and other information, download a prospectus here, or talk to your financial advisor. Read it carefully before investing.


Marktwert des Gesamtvermögens eines offenen Investmentfonds und ETF, abzüglich Verbindlichkeiten, dividiert durch die Anzahl der Aktien im Umlauf

per 25 Jul 2024
Net Assets
$33 744,31 M
per 25 Jul 2024
Gross Expense Ratio

Gross Expense Ratio

The fund's total annual operating expense ratio. It is gross of any fee waivers or expense reimbursements. It can be found in the fund's most recent prospectus.


Anlageziel des Fonds

The SPDR® Dow Jones® Industrial AverageSM ETF Trust seeks to provide investment results that, before expenses, correspond generally to the price and yield performance of the Dow Jones Industrial AverageSM.

Ordinary brokerage commissions may apply.


The Dow Jones® Industrial AverageSM (DJIA) is composed of thirty (30) "blue-chip" U.S. stocks. At 100-plus years, it is the oldest continuing U.S. market index. The DJIA has evolved into the most recognizable stock indicator in the world, and the only index composed of companies that have sustained earnings performance over a significant period of time.

Fondsinformationen per 26 Jul 2024

ISIN US78467X1090
Auflagedatum 14 Jan 1998
Options Available Yes
Gross Expense Ratio

Gross Expense Ratio

The fund's total annual operating expense ratio. It is gross of any fee waivers or expense reimbursements. It can be found in the fund's most recent prospectus.

Länder mit Vertriebszulassung Japan, Niederlande, Singapur, USA
Basiswährung USD
Benchmark Dow Jones Industrial Average
Handelswährung EUR, MXN, USD
UCITS-konform Keine
Domizil USA
Replikationsmethode Indexnachbildung
Häufigkeit der Ausschüttung Monatlich
PEA berechtigt Keine
ISA berechtigt Keine
SIPP berechtigt Keine
UK Reporting Status Keine
Wertpapierleihe Keine

Börsenplätze und Tickerinformation per 26 Jul 2024

Börse Handelswährung Notierungstag Börsenticker SEDOL Code Bloomberg Code Reuters Code
Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited USD 04 Mai 2001 D07 6350776 DIA SP SPDR.SI
Euronext Amsterdam EUR 19 Sep 2003 DIA - DIA NA DIA.AS
Bolsa Mexicana de Valores MXN 20 Okt 2006 DIA - DIA*MM DIA.MX

Fondsmerkmale per 25 Jul 2024

Durchschnittliche Marktkapitalisierung (Mio.) $622 954,10 M
Anzahl der Vermögenswerte 30
Durchschnittliches Preis/Buch- Verhältnis 4,53
Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis für das laufende Jahr

Price/Earnings Ratio FY1

The weighted harmonic average of current share price divided by the forecasted one year earnings per share for each security in the fund. Negative and positive outliers are included in the calculation.

Dividend Yield

Fund Dividend Yield is the annual dividends per share divided by the Net Asset Value per share, expressed as a percentage.

Index Dividend Yield is the weighted average of the underlyings' indicated annual dividend divided by price, expressed as a percentage.

Est. 3-5 Year EPS Growth 12,37%

Index Statistics per 25 Jul 2024

Average Size Size Range
Average Market Cap (M) Mean Median Largest Smallest
$622 954,10 M $498 327,56 M $185 823,58 M $3 335 793,30 M $37 043,68 M

Indexmerkmale per 25 Jul 2024

Average Price/Cash Flow

Der gewichtete Durchschnitt des aktuellen Aktienkurses, dividiert durch den betrieblichen Cashflow je Anteil für jedes Wertpapier im Fonds.

Average Price/Earnings

Der gewichtete Durchschnitt des aktuellen Aktienkurses, dividiert durch den für jedes Wertpapier im Fonds erwirtschafteten Ertrag je Anteil.

Dividendenrendite des Index 1,86%
Est. 3-5 Year EPS Growth 12,37%
Price/Earnings Ratio FY1

Schlusskurs dividiert durch die Summe der prognostizierten Gewinne je Aktie im Geschäftsjahr.

Number of Holdings 30

Marktpreis des Fonds per 25 Jul 2024

Schlusskurs $399,49
Ankauf-/ Verkaufsspread $399,48
Tageshoch $404,39
Tagestief $398,42
Exchange Volume (Shares) 941 177
Premium/Discount 0,03%

Premium Discount to NAV Graph and Summary

The line graph and table below show historical information about the differences between the daily closing price for shares of the fund (as determined by the fund's listing exchange) and the fund's net asset value over certain periods. The vertical axis of the line graph shows the premium/discount expressed as a percentage of NAV. The horizontal axis indicates the date at which the premium/discount occurred. The table shows the number of trading days in which the fund traded at a premium or at a discount to NAV.

Number of Days Summary

Calendar Year 2023 First Quarter of 2024 Second Quarter of 2024
Days Traded at Premium

Number of days the ETF 4PM Bid/Ask was above the NAV.

162 27 33
Days Traded at Discount

Number of days the ETF 4PM Bid/Ask was below the NAV.

88 34 30

Die obigen Informationen werden bereitgestellt, um für jeden der Fonds den Vergleich zwischen dem täglichen Nettoinventarwert (NIW) und dem Mittelwert des Schlussgeld-/-briefkurses aufzuzeigen.

Before investing, consider the funds' investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. To obtain a prospectus which contains this and other information, download a prospectus here, or talk to your financial advisor. Read it carefully before investing.

Nettoinventarwert des Fonds per 25 Jul 2024


Marktwert des Gesamtvermögens eines offenen Investmentfonds und ETF, abzüglich Verbindlichkeiten, dividiert durch die Anzahl der Aktien im Umlauf

Net Assets $33 744,31 M
Ausgabeanteile 84 492 867

Fund Net Cash Amount per 25 Jul 2024

Net Cash Amount $15 151 711,83

Wertentwicklung des Fonds

  • Auflegungsdatum des Fonds: 14 Jan 1998
  • Index-Auflagedatum: 14 Jan 1998

per 30 Jun 2024

As Of 1 Monat 3 Monate Seit Jahresanfang (YTD) 1 Jahr 3 Jahre 5 Jahre 10 Jahre Seit Auflage
14 Jan 1998
NAV 30 Jun 2024 1,21% -1,31% 4,71% 15,82% 6,25% 10,16% 11,14% 8,60%
MARKET VALUE 30 Jun 2024 1,17% -1,23% 4,71% 15,90% 6,27% 10,17% 11,14% 8,57%
Dow Jones Industrial Average
30 Jun 2024 1,23% -1,27% 4,79% 16,02% 6,42% 10,33% 11,30% 8,75%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, so you may have a gain or loss when shares are sold. Current performance may be higher or lower than that quoted. Performance of an index is not illustrative of any particular investment.  All results are historical and assume the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

Performance returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.  Performance is shown net of fees.

Index returns are unmanaged and do not reflect the deduction of any fees or expenses. Index returns reflect all items of income, gain and loss and the reinvestment of dividends and other income as applicable.

The market price used to calculate the Market Value return is the midpoint between the highest bid and the lowest offer on the exchange on which the shares of the Fund are listed for trading, as of the time that the Fund's NAV is calculated. If you trade your shares at another time, your return may differ.

Die größten Positionen des Fonds

Subject to Change.

per 25 Jul 2024
per 25 Jul 2024

Die grössten Positionen des Fonds per 25 Jul 2024

Wertpapiername Gehaltene Aktien Gewichtung
MICROSOFT CORP 5 538 830 6,88%
HOME DEPOT INC 5 538 830 5,81%
CATERPILLAR INC 5 538 830 5,66%
AMGEN INC 5 538 830 5,50%
SALESFORCE INC 5 538 830 4,22%
VISA INC CLASS A SHARES 5 538 830 4,17%
MCDONALD S CORP 5 538 830 4,13%
AMERICAN EXPRESS CO 5 538 830 3,95%
Alle Bestände herunterladen Alle Bestände herunterladen

Index Top Holdings per 25 Jul 2024

Wertpapiername Gewichtung
UnitedHealth Group Incorporated 9,21%
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 8,09%
Microsoft Corporation 6,88%
Home Depot Inc. 5,81%
Caterpillar Inc. 5,66%
Amgen Inc. 5,50%
Salesforce Inc. 4,22%
Visa Inc. Class A 4,17%
McDonald's Corporation 4,14%
American Express Company 3,95%

Sektorengewichtung des Fonds

per 25 Jul 2024
per 25 Jul 2024

Sektorengewichtung des Fonds per 25 Jul 2024

Sektor Gewichtung
Finanzen 23,09%
Gesundheitswesen 19,40%
Informationstechnologie 19,13%
Nicht-Basiskonsumgüter 14,08%
Industrieunternehmen 13,73%
Basiskonsumgüter 4,98%
Energie 2,59%
Kommunikationsdienste 2,12%
Material 0,87%

Index Sector Allocation per 25 Jul 2024

Sektor Gewichtung
Finanzen 23,09%
Gesundheitswesen 19,40%
Informationstechnologie 19,13%
Nicht-Basiskonsumgüter 14,08%
Industrieunternehmen 13,73%
Basiskonsumgüter 4,98%
Energie 2,59%
Kommunikationsdienste 2,12%
Material 0,87%

In general, ETFs can be expected to move up or down in value with the value of the applicable index. Although ETF shares may be bought and sold on the exchange through any brokerage account, ETF shares are not individually redeemable from the Fund. Investors may acquire ETFs and tender them for redemption through the Fund in Creation Unit Aggregations only. Please see the prospectus for more details.

Unless otherwise noted all information contained herein is that of the SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust.

Holdings and sectors shown are as of the date indicated and are subject to change. This information should not be considered a recommendation to invest in a particular sector or to buy or sell any security shown. It is not known whether the sectors or securities shown will be profitable in the future.

The shares of the SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF represent ownership in the SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust, a unit investment trust.

Capital Risk: Investing involves risk including the risk of loss of capital.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

„Dow Jones®", „The Dow®", „Dow Jones Industrial AverageSM" und „DJIA®" sind Marken von Dow Jones & Company, Inc. („Dow Jones"), und State Street Bank and Trust wurden für ihre Verwendung Lizenzen erteilt. Die Produkte werden von Dow Jones weder gesponsert noch empfohlen, verkauft oder beworben, und Dow Jones gibt keinerlei Erklärungen hinsichtlich der Zweckmäßigkeit einer Anlage in dem Produkt ab.

Der DJIA ist ein preisgewichteter Index, der sich aus 30 Stammaktien zusammensetzt. Diese werden von den Herausgebern des Wall Street Journal ohne Konsultation der Unternehmen, der jeweiligen Börse oder einer staatlichen Stelle festgelegt.