Because the core can be the largest part of your portfolio, costs matter. That’s why our ETF Model Portfolios are a low cost diversified portfolio that helps investors keep more of what they earn.
The lowest weighted average management cost¹ in the State Street ETF Model Portfolio range in Australia.
State Street ETF Model Portfolios available across the risk spectrum as well as target income strategy.
State Street ETF Model Portfolios undergo ongoing risk evaluation and offer a track record of performance.
Risk-Based ETF Model Portfolios
Focused on risk tolerances and return expectations, and can be utilised as core allocation for investors with a diverse set of return and risk objectives.
Target Income ETF Model Portfolio
Providing income through a diversified investment approach. Portfolio constructions focused on a target annual income objective.
Partnered ETF Model Portfolios
Consult the team to understand how you can incorporate our best thinking across sectors, regions and markets.
Investment centers worldwide
Investment team members
ISG established
Model Portfolio Solutions and the Client Experience
Offering less customized investment solutions may increase investor satisfaction. This research examines the perceptions, benefits and implementation of model portfolios.
ETF Model Portfolios: The Due Diligence Factor
Research from Greenwich Associates explores the dynamics driving ETF model portfolio growth and evaluation methods to help select strategies and providers.
Our model portfolios are more than just sophisticated, efficient solutions. We provide comprehensive support that empowers you to grow your practice and focus more time on building relationships and engaging with clients.
Through our dedicated client service model, we provide timely, end-to-end support to help you deliver institutional-caliber portfolio management and insights to your clients. This includes training on selecting and deploying models; practice management resources; access to our capital markets and portfolio management teams; and portfolio reviews.
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