Human led, research tested: Only our best investment ideas survive the rigor of our analysis.
Investors today are focused not just on the return potential of their portfolios, but also on the potential for excess risk and cost, so we have designed active equity solutions that aim to put investors’ primary objectives at the centre of portfolio construction.
Our Systematic Equity Active solutions utilise a systematic stock selection process, incorporating a range of security evaluation measures, to select a portfolio of securities that is expected to produce superior risk adjusted returns compared with the cap-weighted index.
Markets are not efficient due to behavioral biases and limits to arbitrage — leading to opportunities for excess return
Our insights are best applied to a wide investment universe with a robust and systematic investment process
A strong emphasis on economic rationale, vetted by rigorous research is critical to ensure successful outcomes
Investing in a global fund with Australian dollars can seem daunting given the fluctuations in value against other currencies. We manage currency risk using SSGA’s Dynamic Strategic Hedging programme (“DSH”). Rather than choosing the Fund to be unhedged or fully hedged, we adjust the hedge ratio for each currency in the portfolio according to our medium to long-term assessment of that currency’s economic value relative to the Australian dollar.
For more than 30 years, research and innovation have been at the core of our efforts to deliver outperformance for our clients.
Contact your State Street Global Advisors relationship manager, or email us to learn how to invest in Systematic Equity Active.